JSK Diary

My cellphone picture blog. All pictures are taken around my home in Port Elizabeth or where I am travelling around South Africa.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day and Night

These Coral Tree saplings stretch up their leaves to soak up the late afternoon sunlight. Photo taken at 5:30pm.

At 9pm, after a couple of hours of darkness, the leaves have folded down nearly 180 degrees. The leaves are not hanging limply but are actually pulled down strongly. Are there other plants that fold their leaves back at night?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Three Sisters

Left to right: Daughter, Odessa, and daughters in law, Leigh-Anne and Jessica.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Game Over

This is Holly. A fitting name for a kitten born on 24 December. She will live with Odessa - no cute kitten will replace my Sapphire.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Who cares

She was in my care, but I did not tidy her room. She was in my care, but I insisted that she attend school. She was in my care, but I would not let her do as she pleased. So she wrote me a note to say that I should 'shove' my 'so called' care and walked out. I do not expect her to come back. Anyone want a brand new school bag?

Sunday, February 01, 2009

On the ball

A praying mantis is dwarfed by the balloon-like pod.

Balloons in my garden

Pretty weird. It's an Asclepias physocarpus. Indigenous to South Africa. I believe it can be dried and lasts long as an ornament.